Anish Kapoor (b.1954) is one of the world’s most prominent artists, the creator of popular public sculptures around the globe, including Cloud Gate (2004, Millennium Park, Chicago), Mirror (2006, Rockefeller Center, New York), and Taratantara (1999Ð2000, Gateshead and Naples), and the recipient of numerous international awards, including the Turner Prize (1991) * This is the most extensive monograph ever published on the artist, covering more than thirty years of work and illustrated with hundreds of full-colour images including sketches and technical diagrams from his most ambitious projects * In a range of materials, from the traditional (alabaster, sandstone) to the high tech (polished steel, PVC), Kapoor’s unique vocabulary of natural shapes and abstract forms has changed the course of contemporary sculpture * Includes an extensive chronology covering the artist’s life in detail and illustrated with snapshots, sketches and ephemera, some never before published Anish Kapoor's sculptures are as mysterious as they are beautiful. Although they employ a wide range of traditional and non-traditional materials, from alabaster to polished steel to vaseline, their real subject is often immaterial and ungraspable: a chasm, a reflection, a column of air. Kapoor belongs to a generation of British sculptors (Tony Cragg, Richard Deacon, Antony Gormley) who revived sculpture by injecting it with new vitality, even playfulness, in the wake of Minimalism. It should come as no surprise, then, that he is one of the best-loved artists working today, the recipient of numerous international awards (including the Turner Prize) and the creative force behind some of the most popular public sculptures in contemporary art, including Marsyas in the Tate Modern Turbine Hall (2002) and Cloud Gate in Chicago's Millennium Park (2004). This generously illustrated volume includes hundreds of artworks spanning Kapoor's long and celebrated career, as well as perceptive new essays by David Anfam and Johanna Burton and an insightful interview by Donna De Salvo.