The Real Anthony Fauci : Big Pharma´s Global War on Democracy, Humanity, and Public Health (ENG)

Robert Kennedy
Naše cena: 822 Kč
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Kód: D0657981
EAN: 9781510766808
Nakladatel: Skyhorse Publishing
Vazba: vázaná
Počet stran: 216
Rok vydání: 2021
Rozměry: 237x161x36mm
Váha: 710g
Jazyk: Anglicky
Kategorie: Anglická literatura FICTION

„Výdejm objednaného zboží je v prodejně knih, kde je možné si přikoupit i další zboží.“

The Real Anthony Fauci : Big Pharma´s Global War on Democracy, Humanity, and Public Health 822 CZK Nové

Pharma-funded mainstream media has convinced millions of Americans that Dr. Anthony Fauci is a hero. He is anything but. As director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), Dr. Anthony Fauci dispenses $6.1 billion in annual taxpayer-provided funding for scientific research, allowing him to dictate the subject, content, and outcome of scientific health research across the globe. Fauci uses the financial clout at his disposal to wield extraordinary influence over hospitals, universities, journals, and thousands of influential doctors and scientists-whose careers and institutions he has the power to ruin, advance, or reward. During more than a year of painstaking and meticulous research, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unearthed a shocking story that obliterates media spin on Dr. Fauci . . . and that will alarm every American-Democrat or Republican-who cares about democracy, our Constitution, and the future of our children's health. The Real Anthony Fauci reveals how "America's Doctor" launched his career during the early AIDS crisis by partnering with pharmaceutical companies to sabotage safe and effective off-patent therapeutic treatments for AIDS. Fauci orchestrated fraudulent studies, and then pressured US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulators into approving a deadly chemotherapy treatment he had good reason to know was worthless against AIDS. Fauci repeatedly violated federal laws to allow his Pharma partners to use impoverished and dark-skinned children as lab rats in deadly experiments with toxic AIDS and cancer chemotherapies. In early 2000, Fauci shook hands with Bill Gates in the library of Gates' $147 million Seattle mansion, cementing a partnership that would aim to control an increasingly profitable $60 billion global vaccine enterprise with unlimited growth potential. Through funding leverage and carefully cultivated personal relationships with heads of state and leading media and social media institutions, the Pharma-Fauci-Gates alliance exercises dominion over global health policy. The Real Anthony Fauci details how Fauci, Gates, and their cohorts use their control of media outlets, scientific journals, key government and quasi-governmental agencies, global intelligence agencies, and influential scientists and physicians to flood the public with fearful propaganda about COVID-19 virulence and pathogenesis, and to muzzle debate and ruthlessly censor dissent.


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